The Benefits of Bush Regeneration


The Benefits of Bush Regeneration are many. Habitat for native wildlife is increased, water quality improves, weeds are stopped from spreading, and erosion is stabilised and reduced. The visual landscape is enhanced through ecological restoration when a paddock is transformed into rainforest, or where Camphor Laurel dominated forest is converted to sub-tropical rainforest.

Restored areas improve the connectivity between natural areas and help to create wildlife corridors and increase biodiversity. Overall property values are improved and landowners can feel good about offsetting their “carbon footprint” through planting trees and restoring native forest.

Increased areas of native vegetation will result in decreasing the need for mowing, slashing and brushcutting. Well established native ecosystems become virtually self sustaining requiring little or no ongoing maintenance. Restored areas can also increase privacy by buffering noise and providing a visual screen.

Bush Regeneration is a system of ecological restoration that assists the natural regeneration processes in bushland areas. With thorough weed control, native plants that are present or which are germinating on a site, can develop unhindered by weeds. This way the site will regenerate naturally using the native canopy and seed bank already on site plus seeds that are imported by animals, wind and water.

Usually pioneer species will establish first, with a succession of secondary and mature phase species coming up over time. In some cases supplementary planting may be necessary to add species that would be on a site but are unable to establish unassisted.