Work Health And Safety2020-06-12T13:03:52+00:00


The Company will be responsible for workplace health and safety. This includes assessing each work site for hazards and risks, inducting workers and sub-contractors regarding potential work hazards, and taking charge in case of any emergencies.



This Occupational Health and Safety Policy will be explained to, read, and signed by all personnel at induction to any work site, prior to any works being carried out. The JSA will also be read, understood and signed by all personnel involved. They will be encouraged to liaise with the site supervisor and/or project management, should any potential hazards arise. Site-specific work procedures or directives will be determined in consultation with the project manager if required.


At least one member of any work teams will hold a current first aid certificate. A Work Cover approved First Aid Kit will be kept on site at all times, as well as a mobile phone in case of emergencies.


All risk assessments and safe work methods for standard ecological restoration activities are summarised in the JSA. Any additional risks and hazards identified on site will be added in the space provided on the JSA. Before commencement of any works at a new site the JSA will be completed, read and signed by all personnel, as part of the site induction process. Any new team members at that site in future will also be inducted to the site, and will read and sign the JSA.


Company management and site supervisors will ensure all necessary personal protective equipment is used by personnel when carrying out work activities.


Prior to any hazardous substances such as herbicides being used on site, the principal contractor will ensure that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each substance are available to all personnel, and that any such substances are stored, handled and used according to their MSDS. All personnel using herbicides will hold the necessary qualifications to do so.


All employees will be covered for work place accidents and injuries by worker’s compensation insurance, The company will also maintain public liability insurance to the value of $10 million. All sub-contractors will have their own public liability insurance ($10 million) and personal accident/ injury insurance cover, and provide proof of this before commencing any work.


All works will be carried out in compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act, 2011.

During the course of on ground works team supervisors will give clear and accurate directives to all personnel involved with the works, and point out any potential hazards. All directives will be in line with the control measures outlined in the attached Job Safety Analysis (JSA). All personnel will also have responsibility for their own safety and actions, with a duty or care to themselves and others, and have the right to refuse any directives they feel are unsafe to themselves or others. All company personnel will be encouraged to make suggestions, or point out issues, that will enhance the safe operations of works carried out by the company.

The work will involve bush regeneration/ecological restoration work.

This will include activities such as:

  • Hand removal of weeds.
  • Cut, scrape and paint weeds using secateurs, loppers, knives and handsaws, before applying herbicide.
  • Stem injection of larger weeds using hatchets and cordless drills before applying herbicide .
  • Selective weed spraying using knapsack spray units, to apply herbicide.


Auditing of all WH & S procedures, as well as work place incidents will be the responsibility company management, unless a higher authority is required to take responsibility. Details of any accidents and injuries shall be recorded on the relevant forms and forwarded to the company management. Any investigations necessary shall be made by the project manager, company director or other relevant persons or bodies. Incident report forms are available for accidents or injuries suffered by company personnel, and for environmental incidents such as chemical spills.

This policy will be upgraded where necessary to remain up to date with new safe work place laws and practices.