East coast bush regeneration is committed to providing work of the highest quality for our clients and the natural environment.


  • Providing ecological restoration services of the highest standard that meets client requirements and expectations
  • Ensuring that all personnel are qualified, experienced and committed to the concept of ecological restoration and that best pactice principles are adhered to at all times
  • Ensuring that all personnel are familiar with the site specific aims and objectives for each project, and adhere to the high standards of work that are expected at every site
  • Regularly consulting with clients to ensure that project outcomes are being met
  • Management addressing client queries promptly to maintain client confidence and satisfaction
  • Keeping up to date with the latest information on industry developments and innovations
  • Working with clients and contractors to devise strategies to implement positive environmental changes
  • Supporting all personnel to further their knowledge of plant identification (native & weed plant species) and ecosystems
  • Encouraging all personnel to make suggestions and share ideas that may lead to improved environmental outcomes


  • All previous works completed on time and to budget
  • All personnel are suitably committed, qualified and experienced and are confident in carrying out the aims and objectives of natural area restoration
  • Site specific induction before commencement of works for every person on every site. Regular consultation, discussion and direction of all personnel about site specific aims of objectives
  • Available for client contact on site and after hours. Regular updates to clients on work progress
  • Prompt responses to any client contact have ensured high levels of client satisfaction and confidence.Subscription to industry newsletters for up to date environmental and technical information.Sharing of expert advice and knowledge with clients and contractors to achieve the highest environmental outcomes
  • Plant and weed identification books carried on site with personnel encouraged to identify unfamiliar species.Positive and professional relationships with all personnel resulting in open and effective communication with all team members on achieving the highest environmental outcomes